Infrared Science & Technology
The Infrared Science And Technology Group, led by Professor Harvey Rutt, was formed in January 1992. The group's interests are mainly in the generation and manipulation of mid and far infrared radiation, and its applications. We also have interests in specialist materials concerned with infrared lasers and optics.
Current research and projects include:
- Ultrafast, picosecond measurements of MQW dynamics using the FELIX free electron laser
- Unusual low phonon energy host materials for novel mid infrared lasers in the 3 - 5 micron region.
- A collaboration with Jefferson Labs, Newport News USA to measure the loss of GLS glasses and conduct picosecond ablation experiments on ZnSe using the JLabs FEL
- Precision measurement of carbon isotope ratios in expired breath for use as a medical diagnostic instrument.
- Deposition of thin films of Gallium Lanthanum Sulphide (GLS) glass by pulsed laser ablation. These films have potential applications in active waveguide devices, and show permanent photorefractive effects.
- General Infrared Instrumentation - novel polarizers for example. New work just starting on semiconductor diagnostics - of SiGe layers in the first case.
- Novel infrared images modulators for the 10-14 micron thermal image band which are all solid state and avoid mechanical choppers are under development
- Group Facilities
- New Grants
- Plans for the Future
- Infrared Physics and Technology