The University of Southampton

University of Southampton Researcher attends International Symposia

Published: 20 January 2025

Przemyslaw Falak, a Research Fellow and Early Career Researcher at the University of Southampton’s Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), has made significant strides in the field of optoelectronics. Falak, who completed his PhD in April 2024, is currently working under the supervision of Professor Gilberto Brambilla, Dr. Martynas Beresna, and Dr. Timothy Lee. His research focuses on developing next-generation scattering-based fibre Bragg grating (FBG) interrogator systems for optical structural health monitoring.

In recognition of his promising work, Falak was selected by the British Council to attend two multinational symposium on the theme of a Resilient Planet. The first symposium took place in March 2024 in New Delhi, India, and the second in December 2024 in Beijing, China. These events were specifically designed for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to exchange ideas, foster professional networking, and initiate future collaboration initiatives.

The symposia focused on interdisciplinary research to address major environmental challenges and to lead the green industrial revolution to protect the planet. Priority research themes included (but were not limited to):

  • Clean Energy
  • Extreme Weather and Climate
  • Agri-Tech
  • Environmental Resilience

The symposium’s aim was to bring together 45 early career researchers and 15 senior researchers, based in the UK and from international partners to discuss key questions around the theme of ‘Resilient Planet.’ The symposium is designed specifically to encourage collaboration and networking between early career researchers. In advance of the symposium, participants were given the opportunity to discuss their research and exchange ideas among themselves; begin to discuss the session themes; and make connections for possible future activities.

During these symposia, Falak had the opportunity to present a prototype of his innovative optical scattering-based structural health monitoring system. His presentation was well-received by the delegates, who appreciated the potential impact of his research on the Resilient Planet theme. The discussions at the symposia highlighted the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach in addressing global challenges, such as the use of renewable energy, reducing emissions, and preventing industrial pollution. Collaboration and relationship-building were emphasized as key factors for success.

Reflecting on his experience, Falak commented, “I was honoured to be a representative of the University during these events, and I am sure these kinds of events shall be communicated to the UoS ECRs to increase intake and awareness of such events to the fellow ECRs.”

Falak’s participation in these symposia not only showcased his research but also underscored the ORC’s commitment to fostering innovative solutions for a sustainable future.


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