Yun Wang MSc Photonic Technologies, 2014
I had always considered photonics as one of my hobbies. When I decided to explore the subject further, I chose an MSc in Photonic Technologies at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC).
I chose the ORC at the University of Southampton on the advice of my undergraduate lecturer and the fact the centre has obtained many prominent achievements in the field of photonics.
Light has supported life on Earth for billions of years. I believe that by researching photonics and applying it in more advanced ways, we can improve life and the environment.
I chose the ORC at the University of Southampton on the advice of my undergraduate lecturer and the fact the centre has obtained many prominent achievements in the field of photonics.
Everybody here has been very kind and patient - always happy to answer my questions. As well as weekly meetings with my tutor, the industry showcase was very useful for helping us to understand the industrialisation and commercialisation process.
The leading-edge research here has let me reacquaint myself with the mystery and broad application of light. It has helped sustain my motivation.